Pregnancy in Belgium

If you are thinking about getting pregnant, know there is lots of support available. We've put together an overview of all the steps to take to ensure medical, psycho-social and administrative guidance during your pregnancy.

International House Leuven
15 January 2024

(Para)medical follow-up of your pregnancy

Financial action steps

  • Connect to a health insurance fund to reclaim (part of) your medical expenses.
  • The system of a one time birth allowance or geboortepremie was replaced by a 'starting amount' or startbedrag. You can request this startbedrag no earlier than four months before the estimated birth date and up to five years after the birth from a Groeipakket payment fund. Request the 'starting amount' before the birth, then provide your payment fund with a doctor's certificate stating the anticipated date of birth. If you are not yet able to provide a certificate when making your request, you may provide this at a later point.
  • There is a complementary birth allowance from the city of Leuven (info only in Dutch) if you live in Leuven and have a low income. This payment is distributed automatically.
  • In Belgium, every family is entitled to monthly child allowances, the so-called basic amount of the growth package or basisbedrag van het Groeipakket. Did you receive a 'starting amount' for your child in the new system? Then you will receive the basic amount automatically. If you have not received child benefits or a 'starting amount', you can request the basic amount from a Groeipakket payment fund.
  • For each dependent child you receive a tax deduction. Make sure your employer is informed about your dependent child(ren).

Maternity care and child day care

  • Register to find day care for your baby. You can register for day care from the moment you are pregnant. The sooner the registration, the more chances you’ll have to find an adequate place.
  • Register for maternity care at six months pregnancy. There are four maternity care services (Dutch only but a lot of those services speak English !) in Leuven that come to your home to help with the care for the baby and small household tasks (e.g. preparing meals, washing,...).

Leave of absence

  • Mothers are entitled to 15 weeks of maternity leave: a maximum of 6 weeks before birth and a minimum of 9 weeks after the birth. For twins, you may be entitled to more. Speak to your employer about their policy, and if you are self-employed you are also eligible for maternity leave, though it will be a little less. Learn more about pregnancy leave on the official Flemish government website (in NL) and check out this article for information about pregnancy while self-employed.
  • At the start of your maternity leave, inform your ziekenfonds (health insurance) by sending the declaration “Aangifte arbeidsongeschiktheid"/"Inability to work”. They will pay an allowance as from the first day of maternity leave (since you will not receive a salary from your employer during this period).
  • Contact your employer to inform them about leaves of absence related to becoming a parent (e.g. maternal leave, paternal leave, breastfeeding leave).

Personal preparation

  • You can participate in group sessions with other expecting parents under guidance of a midwife (in combination with the pregnancy consultations with your general practitioner and/or gynaecologist). You can meet other parents (to be) in parent groups or in play and meeting rooms all over Leuven (both links are in Dutch, however English is spoken very often). "Meet the Parents" is an international parent group. For dates and locations, check the Facebook of Huis van het Kind Leuven, or the website of your maternity hospital.
  • The Babytheek Leuven is a lending service for baby equipment: a library for items a baby needs or the parents use in the first year after birth: baby bath, rocker, cosleeper, sling, etc. Whether you live in a small house, have a limited budget or want to make a radical decision to buy less: the Babytheek is the answer for young families looking for durable and high-quality baby equipment.

Good to knows

  • You or your partner will need to register your newborn child online at the city of Leuven or the city of your residence. Afterwards you will receive several certificates. This has to be done within 15 days after the birth.
  • Declare the birth of your child at your employer. Bring the birth certificate received at the town or city hall and the form ‘Bedrijfsvoorheffing – toekenning van de vermindering wegens gezinslasten” ( EN: Withholding tax - granting the reduction for family expenses)
  • A hospital insurance covers extra medical costs during and after your stay at the hospital. Normally there is a waiting period of at least 9 months for pregnant women, so if you’re thinking about getting pregnant make sure to register for the hospital insurance in advance.
  • Since 2023, the non-birthing parent is also entitled to 20 days parental leave, known as "geboorteverloof" (and sometimes also "vaderschapsverloof") in Dutch. More information about parental leave (in NL).

Other helpful links

Information brochure in English on care partners during and after a pregnancy

Maternity hospitals:

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This page was last updated on: 2 July 2024