New in Leuven - Use a reusable bowl for your takeaway meal

Try a reusable food item for free and easily at your favorite restaurants. It tastes better, looks better, keeps your food nice and warm and saves the planet.

Translated from City of Leuven
28 May 2024

Why use reusable bowls?

Tasty and leak-free

  • Your food stays warm (or cold) longer.
  • Your bowl closes perfectly, so no leaks or odors.

Good for the planet

  • You save a large pile of disposable pots per year. In this way we fight together against litter.
  • Your bowl does not have to be produced again and again, so we save a lot of valuable raw materials.

How does it work?

  1. Register
    Register online at futureproofor download the app.
  2. Order
    Order your takeaway or delivery meal from one of the participating restaurants and request a free reusable bowl .
  3. To borrow
    • The restaurant operator scans your personal QR code in the app and on the bowl.
    • The bowl has now been registered in your name for 14 days.
  4. To return
    • You must return the bowl clean to a participating restaurant within 14 days.
    • If you return your bowl too late, you will pay the cost of the bowl (€10) and a fine (€2).
    • If you still return the bowl, you will get the €10 back. We will always send you a reminder in a timely manner.
    • Can you not return the bowl within 14 days? For €1 you can extend the loan period once by one week.

Participating catering establishments

  • Bar Jérôme/Convento Food, Wandelingstraat 10, 3000 Leuven
  • Bodhi, Mechelsestraat 140, 3000 Leuven
  • Croque 'n Roll, Tiensestraat 35, 3000 Leuven
  • Life bar, Parijsstraat 48, 3000 Leuven
  • Plant Dragon, Bogaardenstraat 24, 3000 Leuven
  • Susuru Ramen, Margarethaplein 6, 3000 Leuven
  • ViaVia Reiscafé, Naamsesteenweg 227, 3001 Heverlee

View the participating businesses in Google Maps

Source article

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This page was last updated on: 28 May 2024